Arlington Botox Questions?

“Botox”. This is a commonly searched term when you are starting to notice those lines and wrinkles creep in, and start thinking about changing things up a bit. I mean, honestly, where do you even begin? Nobody said aging would be this way! That’s OK that you don’t know any better, hehe. That’s my job!


When people think of the word “Botox“ many images may go through their mind. Perhaps an actor in a comedy that made fun of the paralyzed, “deer caught in the headlights” look. Maybe thoughts of celebrities getting shamed for botched results. BOTOX®, in fact is the brand name of a neuromodulator that has become as common place in use as saying “Kleenex”, or a “Coke’.

Today there are modern, elegant formulations of neuromodulators specifically designed for wrinkle blasting.

These include Xeomin®, Dysport®, and the latest to hit the scene, Jeuveau®. These are all brand names of neuromodulators, otherwise known as the botulinum toxin. They each vary a bit, but the end result is the same – significant improvement in lines and wrinkles, creating a rested, more youthful appearance. These results can often be achieved in just days. Awesome, right?!

At Physician’s Ageless Solutions, we carry the full array of modern neuromodulators and together we decide which may be best for you. Every treatment at Physician’s Ageless Solutions is customized and reassessed based on your feedback of previous treatments. Our aim is to give you your best, most natural result, using the least amount of product.

This may come as a surprise to you when it may feel like treatments were exaggerated or prices inflated at other offices. In fact, the majority of patients we speak to have no idea what solution was injected at their last treatment, or how their cost was calculated.

Is that you?! If this is your first time ever considering cosmetic injectables, you will be in great hands. If you have been displeased with your experiences at other offices, give PAS the opportunity to impress you.

Call or Text us to book an appointment. I don’t think you’ll regret it.


Questions? Give us a call or send us a message on our contact page.